Saturday, February 19, 2011


Comanche offers riders and exciting initial drop, followed by an over the edge view of the wild ride they are about to experience.  The loop comes late in the ride, building excitiment and anticipation, as the coaster picks up speed.

Designers: Ricky & Matthew
Cost to Build: $1,310 (7th / 12)

Length: 351 cm (ranked 12th / 12)
Height: 95 cm (ranked 10th / 12)
Avg. Slope of Drops: -.80 (ranked 11th / 12)
Total Length of Drops: 130 cm (ranked 7th / 12)
Avg. Loop Size: 22.5 cm (ranked 12th / 12)
Avg. Speed: 72.8 mph (ranked 10th / 12)

Which coaster is your favorite?