
I am a firm believer in the regular and relevant homework. I don't use homework as a test for the students, which they will either pass or fail. Rather, I use homework as a tool to assess student learning and make adjustments to my teaching the next day.

Homework acts as a form of independent practice, in which the students use the knowledge gained from class and further reinforce their understanding of the concepts. We have homework every night of the week, except Friday.

By homework, I don't mean "Go home and do the odd numbered problems 1-30 on pages 256-257." My homework is a few problems similar to the work done in class and should not take more than 10 minutes to complete. Homework is always on a colored paper, so the student can keep track of and remember to complete it.

I grade homework on completion and effort. Even if the answers are not all correct when the homework is turned in, as long as the student attempted every problem and gave their best effort, they can earn full points. We review homework as a class and students have the opportunity to correct their mistakes and learn from them.
Homework Grading:

4/4 pts. – Stamp and full corrections
3/4 pts. – Stamp and some corrections
2/4 pts. – No Stamp, full corrections
1/4 pts. – No stamp, some corrections
0/4 pts. – Tuned in blank or not turned in

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